How to: Style a Saree, part 03.

The third contemporary way I wore my saree.

Let me give you my third reason before we move ahead. The only couple of times I’ve ever worn a saree, I was always worried about the blouse. The blouse has to be breath taking, isn’t it? Being the size that I am, I could never even borrow from somebody else. Such a hassle!

Now? Now it doesn’t matter because now I know that a blouse doesn’t have to be a ‘typical’ saree blouse. It can anything from a crop top, a shirt, a tee-shirt to a blazer like I wore in the previous part of this series. If you haven’t checked the first two ways I styled this saree in, take a look here: Part 01 and Part 02.

So yes, today is to showing that you do not need a ‘normal’ blouse for a saree. So don’t get worked up for that impromptu function or ‘oh! The tailor ruined my blouse’ , try anything that you think may go with the saree. I chose a to wear a bardot top in my first part, a  blazer in the second and this time I am wearing a bell sleeved printed top.

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How T0: Wear Black for Summer!

What do you when your darn wifi goes down when you need it for things that others approve of? Well, I only call my operator and harass him with my “kya bhaiya, jaldi theek karo. Kaam atka hai!”

Anyways, glad we are finally doing this now!

Black is not a colour for summer they say. But is it true? Well, I don’t really believe that you should simply boycott  black during summers. I do realise that black traps much more heat than other colours. However, we can always work it out. Choosing lighter fabrics helps and so does the time. The evenings are not as hot and so black doesn’t seem like as bad an option.

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Coachella Inspired :03

I wasted the whole day sleeping. What an achievement! I already feel guilty. Does it happen to you too? Anyway, not wasting any more minute, let’s do  this.

Third Coachella Look? Are we here already? You guys gave a great response to the first two and I am so psyched for this one. So, keeping this one short without a lot of blabbering, I’ll jump to the post straight. Oh, but in case you haven’t seen the previous Coachella Inspired looks, please click Coachella Inspired : 01 and Coachella Inspired :02.

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Coachella Inspired :02

Oh how we wish we were free as a bird! But how do we know if a bird is free. Is anyone really is? I have always loved taking my own decisions and doing my own thing. It is hard for me to do something someone else asks me to do when I don’t agree with it at all. I feel guilty and trapped.

For the first time in my life I have started working. It’s a simple college internship but on the very first day itself I knew, I knew I don’t want this for the rest of my life. It doesn’t make sense. Nothing does. The nine to five job where where you sit like machine controlled freaks and do overtime so you can earn some more money but not a single coin of content. A lunch break where I see no sign of hope. Corporate life may be a highly looked up to one but it is definitely not for me.

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Coachella Inspired : 01

Yes, I’ve been MIA here lately. And even though my exams were going on, I wouldn’t use it as an excuse to have disappeared like that because I always shoot in advance. The only reason I posted once a week, instead of twice is because I had such good stories in store that I didn’t wanna waste having written under exam pressure. I wanted to give my time and heart to it and so I thought I should rather wait. Although I do get this feeling, that none of you care about this. Haha. Anyway, I do and this is something I love doing so I just needed to get this out.

Moving on, last year sometime around Coachella I wrote about my three go-to looks that make me feel I’m there. The stories got a great reception and so I thought I’d do the same this year. I know I am late and Coachella is long gone, but I am one person who needs no excuse to dress Coachella-like and I hope it’s the same with you.

In case you do not know, Cochella is a music and arts festival that happens every single year around April and everyone dresses up their boho best. Not just the clothes, but the whole vibe, music and culture there is just perfect. I wish to actually be a part of it sometime but until then, we’ll just do with the clothes. 😀

So, this week I’ going to post three looks that are completely bohemian and may give you cues on how to get that boho vibe going.

Look 01:


The first look I styled has the most bohemian thing ever, FRINGES. I think this blue cape is one of my favourite things in my wardrobe.  I also  decided to double it all with another bohemian piece, this tie-up dress which looks like a peasant top. These kind of layered dresses are everywhere lately and I have no complaints. I love how the two colours play around with each other and create the perfect symphony.

And of course, how could I forget my boots when I’m taking of Coachella right? So I wore my brown studded boots to complete the look.

Now, Coachella is not just about clothes, but also about makeup and hair. Everything takes it’s turn. So, I went on with these messy dutch braids (Messy because I suck at it.) and some white dots above my eyebrows.  A fringe bag and round sunglasses, well they sure look dope.







Here is how I finished my first Coachella inspired look ladies. Do let me know if you like it and stay tuned for the nest two looks coming within this week.


Fringe Cape: Sarojini Nagar

Dress: Sarojini Nagar

Boots: Tibetan Market

Bag: Surajkund Arts Mela, Delhi

Glasses: Sarojini Nagar

Loads of love and power to my girl Aparna Mohindra who clicked these amazingly beautiful pictures. I am all about girl power and I believe that if instead of being jealous with each other, if we could just support, the world would be a different place. Show her some love at Amemoir Photography, here and here.

Until the next look,


Talk of the town!!

Hello everyone,

My exams are on their way and I am dying. It’s getting crazy here already. Are you feeling the same? Tell me if you do. All I’m afraid is not failing in my exams but not being as active on the blog in the coming month. But well, I’m going to try my best to be regular. 😀

Let’s cut the boring part now and talk about what we have here today.  So for the longest time in my life I was an accessory virgin. I somehow never wore any kind of accessories. Yes, I was one of them. My mom got my nose pierced when I was 10 and I cut the nose pin off. Yes, cut it.  Tomboy traits you see! Haha

So yes, from a girl who hated the attention to an accessory hoarder, here I am.  I don’t know when it all changed but it did and I have no complaints. In fact, I believe that accessories   have the power to turn any boring outfit into a head turner. They are really powerful. Do you agree? Well, by the end of this post you will.

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Hey you all!

How was last week for you? Mine was way too hectic but at the same time, something that I totally enjoyed. It was the Amazon India Fashion Week Autumn/Winter 2016 after all. Unlike last time, this second time my passes were all arranged on a prior basis and so I had nothing to worry about. All I needed to take care was, what to wear! Now, that is one terrible terrible question!

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“For the woman who travels,

The woman who unravels,

For pants before skirts,

Lover of heat and the dirt,

No heels but shoes,

For don’ts turned do’s.”

I wrote these lines to go with a college assignment recently and oh how I love them. They define all of us, us 21st century women. Badass women. And no matter what the society had been doing to us for ages, it is all changing. Of course for the good. We don’t need no saving anymore, we are our own heroes. To this and a lot more that comes with being a woman, a happy women’s day to every single one of you.

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After a long hot day it has finally rained here in Delhi. Haven’t summer just barged in? I mean, just last week I was still carrying a jacket with me and now out of nowhere I feel the need of all things cold. Although, I do prefer summer over winters mainly because of the kind of clothes we can wear in this season. Everything else does suck!

Anyways, now that it is here I thought of starting with my own summer lookbook on the blog too. Before we begun, I would like to enlighten you all about where my today’s dress id from. Flyrobe, an online portal where you can RENT clothes.

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Hello my loves,

Happy Republic day to you. How did it go and what did you guys do? Mine was a little busy, I had a shoot planned because thanks to the hectic college, I have to use to all my holidays for the blog. I hope you guys did something better, or at least had a great sleep. Haha.

Let us talk about today’s blog post now. People who know me, know that I was not this versatile and experimental from the beginning. I, too, had my safety zones and things I never liked or bothered about. Like, I was always into clothes and shoes but never really cared about other things like the accessories, the bags and other things that come along. My choices and understanding has evolved with time and now I realize how important these things too are.

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