How to: RETRO!!

Have you ever wondered if you belong to this era? Or are you old school? Or just too ahead of this time?

Well, I am always confused for my belonging. Definitely not too much into the future but never sure if I like the flared pants and big sunglasses of the 70’s more, the Victorian era with ruffles and layers or the rad 90’s with chokers and mini skirts! I am always divided. More often than not, I wake up with the mood. The mood on how and what era-wise I want to dress myself up that particular day. The struggle is real my friend.

If you have been following the blog, you know what I am talking about. I cannot fit in a mould. I would hate to do that. Well, you know what mood I am in today? Something people refer to as “RETRO”! With pop colours, loud lipsticks, hair-styles like pin-up girls and everything over the top.

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Hello everyone!

Happy Fri-yay! Are you confused about what to wear out this weekend?? Let me help you out.

How many of us know that retro is back? All of us right! Well, my favourite amongst all retro trends has always been Polka Dots. There was a time when all I had was polkas. I am more than happy that it is back.

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